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This article is about home pages and the difference between the My Stream and Primary Page home pages.

What is a home page?

After signing in to Happeo you will land on either the My Stream -page or a Primary page. This will depend on your Happeo environment settings defined by your company administrator.

The home page is set up by your content managers and can be customized to include many different pieces of information.

My Stream vs. Primary Page

The My Stream option showcases a user's My stream and My news. However, the Primary Page does have some additional options and is the more traditional intranet-style landing page. 

If users land on the Primary Page and do not have access to it, they will be routed to the first Secondary Page (from the displayed list of Secondary Pages ordered alphabetically). You can find the order in which Secondary Pages are organized:

  • Secondary Pages are sorted alphabetically
  • Pages starting with numbers will be pushed to the top, sorted in ascending
  • Pages starting with * will be pushed to the top
  • Pages starting with brackets [] will be pushed to the bottom

For information about the distinction between Primary and Secondary Pages, please see this article.

If the user does not have access to the Primary Page or to any Secondary Page, they will be routed to My Stream. Therefore, the order is:

  1. Primary page
  2. If a user doesn't have access to the Primary page → Secondary page
  3. If a user doesn't have access to any Secondary pages → My stream

To learn more about what type of content is recommended on either the Primary page or My stream you can navigate to this article which differentiates between the modern and traditional intranet.

What does a home page (as a Primary Page) look like?

Each home page that is set as a Primary Page will look unique and depends on how your content managers have designed it. Even if your Administrator has set the landing page to a Primary Page, you can always access My Stream through the Channels Navigation.

As each home page is different and can be updated by your content managers, you can always provide feedback internally about how to make the home page relevant and useful.

How to set up a home page

Home pages are by default set as My Stream. As an Admin, if you wish to change it, you can:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Settings by clicking your avatar and Admin Settings
  2. Click General
  3. Under Happeo setup, click Primary Page

To select a Primary Page as your home page, you can go to:

  1. Pages (within your Admin settings)
  2. Click the three dots next to the Page intended to be a home page
  3. Click Set as primary

