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This article details how to create, edit, duplicate, and archive brand styles in Happeo.

Important note: Brand styles in an exclusive Pages 2.0 feature. Please refer to this article for Pages 1.0.

What are brand styles?

Brand Styles define your organization’s visual identity. They allow you to control various elements, such as colors and typography, ensuring a consistent look and feel across your page groups.

You can create one “active brand style,” which is a default brand style applied to all Pages 2.0 content automatically, and any new page groups created thereafter. Secondary brand styles can also be created for specific use cases, like sub-brands or seasonal campaigns, and applied to individual page groups directly in the editor. Doing so will override the active brand style.

Note: Only admins can create, edit, and manage brand styles.

How to create a brand style

Note: Brand styles are created by admins.

To create a brand style:

  1. Click your avatar at the top-right corner of the main navigation
  2. Select Admin Settings
  3. Go to Branding
  4. Navigate to Pages 2.0
  5. Click Create style
  6. Name your brand style by clicking the “My style” text
  7. Define brand style foundations
    • Colors – Set the color scheme that will be used for page headers, sections, and widget backgrounds
      • For example, in the page editor, when page owners or editors modify the styling settings for a widget, they can choose from a list of colors provided by the brand style associated with the page group
    • Typography – Define font styles and formatting
  8. Customize brand style elements
    • Widgets – Control widget appearance with padding, background, rounding, borders, and shadows
    • Sections – Set the spacing around content within sections and their overall background color
    • Hero – Determine the page hero's background color and its vertical size
    • Navigation – Adjust the navigation bar's background color, color of active links, and color for a secondary state of active links



Here, you can find fixed brand colors defined in the Colors and Logos section used for header background and text colors. 

Note: Page header backgrounds will automatically adopt the primary color by default. 

  1. Click Add custom color to create a personalized color. Provide a name and enter the HEX code or use the color selector (after clicking the HEX input box)
  2. Once you’re done, click Save
  3. Manage custom colors: Edit or delete custom colors by hovering over them and clicking the pencil or trash bin icon


Here, you can find an example of what each header looks like by default.

Light and dark mode: You can toggle between light and dark mode by clicking the toggle at the top right of the page.

  • Hero title – The main title of a page or section, usually the largest and most prominent text on the screen
  • Heading 1-3 – Hierarchical headings that are used to organize content within a page. Heading 1 is the largest and most important, followed by Heading 2 and then Heading 3
  • Collapsible section header – The title of a section that can be expanded or collapsed to reveal or hide its content
  • Widget header – The title of a widget
  • Quote – The text that represents quotations (i.e. in the text widget)
  • Body text – The main text of a page
  • Banner button text – The text shown in the banner widget button
  • Link text – The visible portion of a hyperlink
  • Navigation text – Text used in a page’s navigation menu
  • Breadcrumbs text – A trail of links that shows the user's current location within a page’s hierarchy

Click on any type of text to access the editor and modify:

  • Font family
  • Font weight
  • Font size (PX or REM)
  • Dark text color
    • This color will be used on light backgrounds
  • Light text color
    • This color will be used on dark backgrounds
  • Line height
    • Adjust by typing a numerical value (PX)
    • This changes the space above and below the header
  • Letter spacing
    • Adjust by typing a numerical value (PX)
    • This changes the amount of space between letters in the header

Once you are satisfied with your adjustments, click Save.

Note: Customization options may differ between text types.



Define visual properties for widgets, such as padding, background color, rounding, border, and shadow.

  • Padding
    • Controls the space surrounding the widget
    • Adjustable between 8px and 64px
    • Smaller padding results in a larger widget size
  • Background color
    • Sets the widget's background color
    • Color visibility increases with larger padding
  • Rounding
    • Adjusts the corner curvature of the widget background
    • Range: 0px (sharp) to 100px (fully rounded)
  • Border
    • Toggles the display of a colored border around the widget
  • Border direction
    • Specifies the border's location: all sides, top, bottom, left, or right
  • Border color
    • Sets the color of the widget border
  • Shadow
    • Adds a shadow effect behind the widget
    • Options: None, Small, Medium, Large


Set the padding and background color for sections.

  • Padding
    • Controls the space surrounding the widget within the section
    • Adjustable from 8px to 64px
    • Larger padding values result in smaller widget sizes within the section
  • Background color
    • Sets the background color of the section
    • Color visibility increases with larger padding values


Establish the background color and height of the page hero.

  • Text Style
    • This element inherits its style from the "Typography" section. To modify the text appearance, adjust the settings within the "Typography" section under “Foundations”
  • Background color
    • Choose the background color for the hero
  • Height
    • Set the desired height of the hero section in pixels by entering a value in the input field


Customize the navigation background color, active color, and secondary active color.

  • Primary navigation color
    • Choose the background color of the navigation bar
  • Active color
    • Choose the color of the active item (e.g., the currently viewed page)
  • Add dark active color
    • This color is used for dropdowns, subpages, table of contents, and breadcrumbs.
    • Secondary active color: Choose a separate color for these elements.
      • When enabled, the primary "Active color" will only apply to the currently viewed page

How to create an active brand style

Note: Active brand styles are set by admins.

To create an active brand style

  1. Click your avatar at the top right corner of Happeo’s main navigation
  2. Select Admin Settings
  3. Go to Branding and then to Pages 2.0
  4. Click the brand style wish to set as your active brand style
  5. Select Set as ‘Active’ brand

Note: When you set a brand style to 'active,' any page groups currently using the 'default' style will automatically adopt the new, active style, changing their visual appearance. Moreover, any newly created page groups will inherit the active brand style as their default brand style. 

How to create a secondary brand style

After selecting an active brand style, any subsequent brand styles that exist and that are created will become secondary brand styles. Page group owners and editors can use these secondary styles to apply their page groups. For detailed instructions on creating brand styles, please refer to the preceding section titled ‘How to create a brand style.’ 

To learn more about using secondary brand styles as a page group owner or editor, please refer to this article.

Edit a brand style

WARNING: Any edits to a brand style will be automatically saved and applied to all associated page groups and their content.

Note: Brand styles can only be edited by admins.

To edit a brand style:

  1. Go to Admin Settings > Branding > Pages 2.0
  2. Hover over the brand style you want to edit
  3. Click the pencil icon
  4. Make any changes you wish

Duplicate a brand style

Note: Brand styles can only be duplicated by admins.

To duplicate a brand style:

  1. Go to Admin Settings > Branding > Pages 2.0
  2. Hover over the brand style you want to duplicate
  3. Click the duplicate icon (paper stack)

The brand style will be copied and found at the bottom of the list with “copy” next to its name.

Delete a brand style

Important: Please note that deleting a brand style is irreversible. Once deleted, it cannot be recovered.

Note: Brand styles can only be deleted by admins.

To delete a brand style:

  1. Go to Admin Settings > Branding > Pages 2.0
  2. Hover over the brand style you want to delete
  3. Click the trash bin icon
  4. Confirm deletion

The brand style will then be deleted from the list.


What happens to existing page groups when I change the active brand style?

When you change the active brand style, all existing page groups currently using the default style will automatically adopt the new, active style. This means their visual appearance will reflect the new color scheme defined in the active brand style.

However, as an admin, if you want to selectively apply the new brand style to existing page groups that are not currently using the default style, you can do so in two different ways:

Admin Settings

  1. Navigate to the Admin Settings > Page Groups
  2. Click the three dots next to a page group
  3. Click Edit page group
  4. Go to Styles
  5. Hover over the Default style and click the blue checkmark icon
  6. Your changes will be saved automatically

Page group

  1. Navigate to the page group
  2. Click your avatar at the top right corner of the main navigation
  3. Toggle Admin (this allows you to edit the page, even if you are not an owner or editor)
  4. Click the pencil icon at the top right corner of the page to enter the page editor
  5. Go to Styles
  6. Hover over the Default style and click the blue checkmark icon
  7. Your changes will be saved automatically

Can I force-apply an active brand style to all page groups?

Currently, it is not possible to force-apply an active brand style to all page groups at once. When an active brand style is set, it will only be applied to the page groups using the default style.

Can I customize the brand style for individual pages within the page editor?

It is not possible to customize an active or secondary brand style within the page editor. You can only select and apply existing brand styles.

However, if you are an admin, you can do so in Admin Settings > Branding > Pages 2.0.

Alternatively: You can navigate to the Page editor > Styles > Manage Styles. This button is only available for admins.

What happens if I delete a custom color from a brand style?

Impact on pages

  • Immediate removal – When you delete a custom color from a brand style, it is immediately removed from the color palette available to all page groups using that brand style
  • Visual changes – Pages using the deleted color will be replaced with a fully transparent background. This might result in unexpected color changes on those pages

Update affected pages

If specific pages were heavily reliant on the deleted color, you might need to adjust their color settings manually

Page group owners and editors can use the page editor to modify the color settings of individual elements like headers, sections, and widgets.

Alternatively, you can manually update these page groups in two different ways:

Admin Settings

As an admin, you can edit a page group through the Admin Settings:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Settings > Page Groups
  2. Click the three dots next to a page group
  3. Click Edit page group

Page group

As an admin, you can edit a page group by navigating to the page group and toggling admin mode.

  1. Navigate to the page group
  2. Click your avatar at the top right corner of the main navigation
  3. Toggle Admin (this allows you to edit the page, even if you are not an owner or editor)
  4. Click the pencil icon at the top right corner of the page to enter the page editor

Important considerations

  • Before deleting a custom color, consider its impact on existing pages
  • After making changes, test the affected pages to ensure the desired visual outcomes
    • Duplicate the brand style, delete the color from the duplicate, and apply it to a page group
  • If possible, maintain a version history of your brand style to revert to previous versions if needed
    • To create a version history, we recommend that you create a copy of the original as a backup 

Can I use custom fonts in my brand style?

Yes, you can definitely incorporate custom fonts into your brand style within Happeo. This allows you to maintain a consistent and recognizable brand identity throughout your environment.

To add your custom fonts to Happeo, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Admin Settings > Branding > Fonts
  2. Add custom fonts: Follow the instructions provided in the linked article to upload and add your custom fonts to Happeo

Once your custom fonts are successfully added, you'll be able to select them from any font list within Happeo. This includes when defining the fonts for your brand style.

How will Brand Styles for Pages 2.0 interact with Page Group Styles in Pages 1.0?

Currently, the styles for Pages are set by their respective editors: Page Group Styles in Pages 1.0 and Brand Styles in Pages 2.0. Moving forward, Pages 1.0 styling will remain unchanged. Admins will be able to set primary and secondary brand colors, as well as typography and elements. Once configured, these brand styles for Pages 2.0 can be applied to all page groups and Pages automatically, ensuring brand consistency across the intranet. Importantly, Brand Styles (Pages 2.0) and Page Group Styles (Pages 1.0) are independent and will not interact or interfere with each other.

What would happen if I used migration tooling before I set up brand styles?

If brand styles aren’t set up before creating or migrating content into Pages 2.0, the content will default to Happeo’s brand style. This may result in an inconsistent brand look and require additional adjustments later, making it harder to achieve a cohesive, on-brand experience across all pages. Therefore, we recommend that brand styles are set up prior to page creation or migration.
