This article contains information about how to create a new Page Group and add content to it.
What are Page Groups?
Page Groups are groups of Pages that are related to a similar topic, department, or location. Each Page Group has an author as well as editors and viewers.
A couple of things to note
- Viewers cannot see unpublished pages
- Happeo Admins can view and edit every page when Admin Mode is turned on
- Two users should not edit a Page simultaneously. If this occurs, the user who saves the Page last will have the final edits visible on the Page
- Page authors do not always have editing rights. Unless an author is also the page owner (the first person to create the page) or an editor, they do not have automatic edit rights. This means that making someone else an author doesn't grant them editing privileges. Read more about page editing privileges here
How to create a Page Group
- Open Pages from the main navigation and click on the + symbol
- Alternatively, you can select a page template. Read more here
- Then, add the name of the Page Group
- Give the Page Group a description
- And select the layout you want to use
The layout that you choose will be the same for all the Pages in your Page Group. The layouts that have been highlighted below are ones that contain Page navigation whereas the other two do not.
Additionally, you can always change the page layout later under the Page Group styles.
After creating a Page Group you can start adding content.
Add a hero image, change the Page Group and Page name
- First, make sure that you are in Edit mode by clicking on the pencil symbol at the top right corner of the page
- You can edit the hero image by clicking on the Page hero
- To change the Page Group name, you can:
- Navigate to the Page Group Settings tab (stack of papers)
- And change it under Name
- To change the name of a Page, you can:
- Navigate to the Page Settings (the info symbol)
- And change the Page name under Name
Editing the Page Style Template
Editing the Page Style Template will make your Page Group and its Pages look and feel the way you want them to, whether that's adjusting the Navigation, Sections, Widgets, etc. You can read more about creating a Style Template here.
Add Page content
Page content is created by first adding a Section. A new Section can be added from the bottom of the Page.
After adding a Section, you can click the section to add different content Widgets.
Once you've made changes to the Page, you can see the blue Save at the bottom right. Save the Page by clicking on it – remember to save frequently! If you click Cancel all the changes you've made will be reverted.