Table of contents

In this article, you can learn how to interpret Google Workspace user sync logs, what different error messages mean, and how to resolve issues.

Happeo provides automatic user sync from Google Workspace. This sync may sometimes experience errors, which may be temporary or longer-lasting. This article will help you to understand the most common problems and instruct how to fix them.

Google errors

Google errors are errors that originate from Google. They are usually caused by the sync admin not having permission to read specific user information from Google. Alternatively, they can be caused by Happeo being uninstalled accidentally for the domain.

Below is the list of example errors, reasons, and solutions.

UNAUTHORIZED 401 UNAUTHORIZED { "code" : 401, "errors" : [ { "domain" : "global", "location" : "Authorization", "locationType" : "header", "message" : "Login Required", "reason" : "required" } ], "message" : "Login Required"}

Possible reasons

  • The sync account does not exist anymore
  • The sync account does no longer have the necessary admin permissions in Google Workspace
  • Happeo has been uninstalled


  • Verify that the sync admin exists and is not suspended
  • Verify that the sync admin has permissions to read user profiles and organization units in Google Workspace admin permissions
  • Verify that Happeo has been installed from the Google Workspace admin panel
  • Verify that the Admin is in an OU which has Happeo installed

FORBIDDEN - RESOURCE/API 403 FORBIDDEN{ "code" : 403, "errors" : [ { "domain" : "global", "message" : "Not Authorized to access this resource/api", "reason" : "forbidden" } ], "message" : "Not Authorized to access this resource/api"}

Possible reasons

  • The sync account has no access to the user it’s trying to update. This can happen for example when the sync account has been moved to another organizational unit in Google Workspace or the user has been moved to an organizational unit not accessible by the sync account
  • Happeo has been uninstalled


  • Verify that Happeo has been installed from the Google Workspace admin panel
  • Verify that the Admin is in an OU which has Happeo installed

FORBIDDEN - QUOTA 403 FORBIDDEN{ "code" : 403, "errors" : [ { "domain" : "usageLimits", "message" : "Request rate higher than configured.", "reason" : "quotaExceeded" } ], "message" : "Request rate higher than configured."}

Possible reasons

  • There were too many user updates at the same time and Google refused to serve this one to Happeo


  • You can try to update the user manually again after a few minutes

NOT_FOUND 404 NOT_FOUND{ "code" : 404, "errors" : [ { "domain" : "global", "message" : "Resource Not Found: userKey", "reason" : "notFound" } ], "message" : "Resource Not Found: userKey"}

Possible reasons

  • This seems to happen when the user cannot be found anymore from Google Workspace. The user has probably been deleted from Google Workspace


Internal errors

Internal errors are errors that originate in Happeo. These are usually caused by the user's primary email being converted into a group or vice versa. Alternatively, this can be caused by a deleted user being re-provisioned to the organization.

Below is the list of example errors, reasons, and solutions.


Possible reasons 

  • This error should be a temporary error


  • You can try to update the user manually again after a few minutes


Possible reasons

  • There is an internal conflict in Happeo’s system



Possible reasons

  • This is an unknown error


