This article outlines what a system account is and how to create one.
What is a System Account?
A System Account is a dedicated user account within Happeo designed for API interactions. An API key is connected to the system account, which can perform actions on the platform.
Key features:
- No seat consumption: System accounts do not require a seat, meaning that no additional costs are involved (aside from API access)
- Flexibility: System accounts can be granted various permissions, such as admin rights or posting privileges in specific channels
- API integration: Requires an API key for authentication and authorization
To use a system account for automation, ensure it has the posting rights within the target channel
- For example, if a channel only allows editors to post and the system account is given permission as a participant, then the system account will not be able to post
- To enable a system account to edit another user's post, you have to grant it ghostwriting permissions
To use a system account for automation, ensure it has the posting rights within the target channel
- The ability to create system accounts is part of the Happeo API add-on
- API access requires activation and comes at an additional cost
- You can reach out to your Customer Success Manager for more details
How to create a system account
Note: Only admins have the ability to create system accounts.
- Click your avatar from the top right of the main navigation
- Navigate to the Admin Settings
- Click User Management > System Accounts
- Select Create new System Account
- Type the name of your new system account
Select the user role
- Normal
- Admin
- Click Create System Account
How to add a system account as a channel member
To add a system account as a channel member:
Navigate to the channel you want to add the system account to
- Note: You must be an admin, owner, or editor of the channel
- Click the members tab at the top right corner of the channel navigation
- Click Add member
- Type in the name of the system account in the input field
Select the role you want to give the account
- Participant
- Editor
- Click Add members
I can’t see the System Account tab in User Management
The "System Account" tab may not be visible in User Management if your current Happeo package does not include this feature.
To confirm if system accounts are available for your organization, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
I can’t retrieve a list of channels from Happeo’s public API
If you're facing an issue where the Happeo public API isn't providing a list of channels, follow these troubleshooting steps:
- Identify the cause: The lack of a list of channels from the Happeo public API might be due to the system account not being a member of any channels. In such cases, the “get channel list API” will not yield results
- Add system account to channels: Ensure that the system account is added as a member to the relevant channel(s). This step ensures the API can access and retrieve the required channel information
- API key verification: Log into Happeo and check the status of the API key. Make sure that the key has yet to be revoked or deleted. If the API key has been deleted, please note that it cannot be recovered. In this case, you will need to generate a new API key
I can’t retrieve channel members from Happeo’s public API
If you're unable to retrieve channel members through Happeo's public API, take the following steps to resolve the issue:
API key verification: Begin by logging into Happeo and checking the current status of the API key you're using
- Note: The API key cannot be reinstated if revoked or deleted. In such cases, you'll need to generate a new API key
Channel ID verification: Double-check the accuracy of the Channel ID used in your API request. Make sure that it corresponds to the intended channel from which you are attempting to retrieve members. Incorrect channel ID use could lead to incomplete or inaccurate information being fetched
- How to find the channel ID: Go to the target channel and look at the URL. The channel ID can be found near the end of the URL. For example: channels/123456789/Marketing (the channel ID is "123456789")
I can’t post as another user using Happeo’s public API
To address the problem of not being able to post as another user using the Happeo public API, please follow these steps:
- Check the membership of the system account in the channel. If the system account is not a member of any channels, it won't have the necessary access to create a post. Learn more
- Make sure that the system account has the required posting permissions on the channel. Ensure the system account is designated as an editor in the channel settings. Learn more
- Log into Happeo and verify the status of the API key. Make sure that it has not been revoked or deleted. If the API key has been revoked or deleted, it cannot be recovered, and you will need to create a new key
Confirm that the channel ID used in the API request matches the intended channel. An incorrect channel ID can prevent posting on the desired channel
- How to find the channel ID: Go to the target channel and look at the URL. The channel ID can be found near the end of the URL. For example, channels/123456789/Marketing (the channel ID is "123456789")
- Posting on behalf of someone: Check that the system account has permission to post on behalf of the user. Learn more
Verify that the User ID specified in the API request matches the user the system account posts on behalf of. You can use the following Happeo API Get One User request to retrieve the correct user ID