Table of contents

This article aims to provide you with information regarding the Trustpilot Page Widget, what it entails, and how to install it for your Happeo Pages.


What is the Trustpilot Widget?

The Trustpilot Page Widget allows you to see your Trustpilot reviews directly in Happeo Pages. It can also be used to display your star ratings.


How to install the Trustpilot Widget

As an Admin, you can:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Settings (by clicking on your Happeo avatar)
  2. Apps (Happeo’s App Marketplace)
  3. Select Trustpilot Widget
    1. You can find it in the Pages tab or
    2. You can search for it in the search bar
    3. You can also find it in All apps under Uninstalled apps
  4. Click Add to Happeo

How to use the Trustpilot Widget in Pages

To use the Widget, you can:

  1. Navigate to a Page
  2. Click the pencil icon to edit the Page
  3. Within a section, select Add Widget
  4. Select Trustpilot Widget from the Widget menu

Business Unit ID

When you click on the Widget, you will need to provide your Business unit ID.

The Business Unit ID is a unique key to your domain. If you collect reviews under multiple domains, each one will have its own Business Unit ID. To find your Business Unit ID(s) please use the Find Business Unit API.

To read more about Business Units and how to find your Business Unit ID, read the API Introduction here.

Template ID

You will also need to provide a Template ID. This ID can be found through the Widget you select when making a Trustbox Widget. 

To read more about the Trustbox Widget, please refer to this article from Trustpilot.

Styling the Widget

You can style the Widget by clicking Widget styles from the Custom Widget menu. To learn more about styling Widgets, please see this article, particularly the following style settings:

  • Widget layout details
  • Paragraph styles
  • Border
  • Padding