Table of contents

This article aims to provide you with information about what the App Marketplace is. You will also learn how to install, uninstall and submit your own apps to Happeo’s App Marketplace.


What is it?

The App Marketplace is a great way to create and install additional apps and widgets that are not initially included in Happeo. This enables all Happeo users to utilize many different apps, tailored to their specific needs.

Happeo supports apps for Pages and Search. Page apps are presented as normal widgets and can be used by any Page editor. Search apps, on the other hand, allow users to search through connected apps via Happeo's search functionality.


Use cases

Some examples include:

  • The Zendesk widget provides an overview of tickets 
  • Jira boards for tracking progress
  • Searching for Slack content through Happeo
  • Etc.

Where to find Marketplace Apps

To view the available and installed Marketplace apps, you can navigate to:

  1. Admin settings
  2. Apps
  3. Marketplace Apps

From there, you will first see the Marketplace Apps that are installed for your environment, and then below that, you can find all the available Marketplace Apps that can be installed. 

You can also search for apps using the search tool on the right upper side of the page.

Install a Marketplace app

If you want to install a Marketplace App such as a weather widget, simply click on the app you wish to install.

You can find the app’s description below the preview as well as the category and section it belongs to (e.g. customer support and Pages) on the right side below the app’s preview. 

In terms of support for the app, you can also:

  1. Get app support
  2. Visit the developer website
  3. View the terms and services of the app
  4. View the privacy policy of the app

If the app looks good to you, you can click on Add to Happeo found on the right-hand side of the app preview.

After clicking on Add to Happeo, you will receive a notification stating that you’ve successfully installed the app. 


If the app you’ve installed requires a setup process, you can click on Setup within the notification that appears after installing that app that will direct you to another page. Please follow the instructions stated there. If you don’t receive this notification (but the app requires you to complete the setup process), you can also find the setup button on the right side of the app’s title

Additionally, you can find the app’s Sharing settings and an option to uninstall the app on the right side of the app’s title.

What does adjusting the sharing settings entail?

The sharing settings for an app enable you to choose which users can make use of the app. For instance, you can give access to your entire organization or only allow a specific group of users to make use of the app. 

As an example, you may choose to provide access to the Jira search connector only for your Engineering teams.

Installing a search connector

Installing a search connector is slightly different compared to installing a normal app within the Marketplace. Much like with a normal app, you:

  1. Select the search app you want to install
  2. Click on Add to Happeo
  3. Once you’ve clicked on Add to Happeo, you will receive a notification stating that you’ve installed the app successfully. To finalize this process, you will need to enable the search app in the search settings. You can click on Take me there within the notification to complete this process
    1. If you don’t receive a notification, you can also select the Search tab within the Admin settings
  4. Within the Search tab, find the app you installed and toggle the option you wish to have enabled. You can choose between or both:
    1. Show in search (full search overview)
    2. Show in search predictions (search bar autocomplete)


Uninstall a Marketplace app

If you wish to uninstall a Marketplace App, the process is very simple! Navigate to:

  1. Admin settings
  2. Apps
  3. Click on an app that you have installed and wish to uninstall
    1. You can find installed apps under Installed apps. The Installed icon is also visible within the apps’ preview
  4. Click on Uninstall next to the app’s title on the right side
  5. You will then receive a pop-up message asking if you are sure that you want to uninstall the app. Select Yes, uninstall

Submit a Marketplace app

If you’ve created an app you wish to submit to Happeo’s Marketplace, you can navigate to:

  1. Admin settings
  2. Apps
  3. My Marketplace submissions
  4. Create app

You will then be directed to provide information regarding your app, app credentials and also submit the source code of your app. 

You can find a template to get started with your app here!

You can also find an SDK for full integration here.

The information that you will need to provide includes:

  • Basic information
  • Detailed information
  • App credentials
  • App configuration
  • Review and submit


Basic information

Basic information includes:

  • App icon
  • App name
  • Short description (will be visible in the App Marketplace overview)
  • Target selections (e.g. Pages or search)
    • Pages refer to Page widgets
    • Search refers to search connectors/apps that integrate into Happeo search
  • Categories (e.g. productivity, media, etc.)

Detailed information

Detailed information includes:

  • Long description (entails an in-depth overview of the app visible in the in-detail app view)
  • Preview content (images shown within your app’s page)
    • You can upload up to 6 images
    • Only JPG, JPEG, and PNG images are supported
    • The image resolution must be 1200 x 780 pixels
  • App support URL
  • Developer website
  • Terms of service URL
  • Privacy policy URL

App credentials

The app credentials include:

  • Widget slug 
    • The slug is the portal to rendering inside Happeo. Use this slug when initiating the Component widget, otherwise, the widget will not start. You can click here to read more
  • Secret
    • A secret can be used to validate and identify the visiting user and organization. The secret will become available once the application is saved as a draft
  • Application setup URL
    • The Setup URL will be available to the administrator after installing this app. The JWT token will be included in the URL automatically as the URL parameter “token” - this is so that your app can identify the user and organization opening the setup URL

App configuration

Here, you can upload a source code (as a .zip file) for the widget that will be added to the Marketplace. Please use the compressed zip format if your code needs compilingNote that the maximum size of the file is 2MB. The source code should only be the app (front end) that will reside within Happeo.

The zipped code should also include a command to create a bundle, as the application will be bundled by the Happeo super admin during the review process. 

Review and submit

Here, you will be provided with an overview of all the criteria that you have (or have not) provided. If one of the checkboxes has not been ticked, please make sure that you provide the necessary information. You can navigate to any of the aforementioned steps using the menu or by clicking on Preview at the bottom of the page.

Lastly, we recommend that you provide some detail regarding what the application does, if it connects to an external service/API, etc., within the Notes for reviewer field. 

Once you have completed all the steps, you can click on Save draft or Submit to review


Submit a search connector

The steps to submit a search connector is fairly similar to submitting an app/widget. 

When navigating to Admin settings Apps > My Marketplace Submissions > Create App, you can fill in the:

  1. Basic information
  2. Make sure to set the target section to Search
  3. Detailed information
  4. App credentials
  5. App configuration
    1. You will need to input oAuth Begin URL, Search predictions URL, and Search endpoint (these become visible when the app has a target section search)
  6. Submit your application for review

Once an app has been submitted to the Marketplace, a reviewer has to approve it and enable it for the organization. Here are the steps to follow: We review it to ensure that there are no security issues and that the app has functional purposes (does it do what it should do and does it not harm anything else?).
