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This article details what the Link List Widget is and how to manage it.

What is the Link List Widget?

The Link List Widget allows you to streamline information access and knowledge sharing on pages. This widget is useful for organizing and presenting links to important resources, ensuring users can quickly locate the information they need. Whether it's internal documents, external websites (e.g. Rydoo), or critical company information, the widget provides a centralized source for discovery. This not only enhances user experience but also promotes efficient knowledge management by reducing the time spent searching for information. 

For more information about adding widgets to your page, please see this article

How to manage the link list widget

To manage the Link List Widget:

  1. Navigate the page group where the widget resides
  2. Click the pencil icon at the top right of the page to open the page editor
  3. Hover your mouse over the widget until it is highlighted in blue, and click on it
  4. Select the settings (gear) icon at the top right of the widget
  5. A new window will open where you can adjust the widget's settings. You can switch between the Configure and Styles tabs to adjust what is displayed and how the content is displayed


  • Configure
    • Add links – Clicking this option allows you to do the following:
      • Add link title – Provide a title for your link
      • Paste a URL – Add the URL that you want to attach
        • Note: It must start with https://
      • Change link icon – When you paste a URL, Happeo automatically provides a link icon. You can change this icon by clicking Change icon
      • Open in new tab – Enables the link to be opened in a new tab when clicked on
      • Add link – Click this to add the link to the widget. You can then add more links
      • Save – Click this option to save your changes and return to editing the widget
    • Manage a link – Once you’ve added a link, you can hover over it to:
      • Edit the link – Click the pencil icon. Make sure to hit Save once you’re done
      • Remove the link – Click the red minus icon to remove the widget
      • Re-arrange link – In the widget’s settings menu, click and drag the widget by it’s six dots above or below another link to re-arrange it
    • Widget header – Add a header to the widget. Once toggled, you can type the widget’s header in the text field that appears above the widget


  • Background color –  Select the background color of the section. The colors available to you will depend on what the system default is and the brand style you are using
  • Padding Adjust the amount of background visible behind the widget. You can set a value between 0px and 100px. A larger value will show more of the background, making the section header and content appear smaller. A smaller value will minimize the background visibility, making the widget appear larger. Adjust the slider to fine-tune the amount of padding
  • Round corners Round the corners of the widget between the values 0px and 100px. A larger value will make the widget corners appear rounder, whereas a lower value will make them appear sharper

More information about widgets

To read more about what widgets are and how to resize, copy, and delete them, please refer to this article.


Can I add a description to each link?

The link list widget doesn't currently support adding descriptions to individual links. The link's title serves as the primary identifier.

Can I add a divider between different groups of links in the widget?

This is not possible within the widget's settings. However, you could consider creating separate link list widgets for different groups of links and arranging them on the page to achieve a similar effect.

What happens if the URL of a link in the widget changes?

If the URL changes, the link may become broken. You will need to edit the link in the widget settings to update the URL.
