This article details what the Calendar Widget is and how to manage it.
What is the Calendar Widget?
The Calendar Widget is a new widget exclusively in Pages 2.0 that allows you to display multiple calendars in one page, and determine the visibility of the calendar by Month or Schedule view. Previously, these calendar views were independent widgets. The Calendar Widget can help manage schedules, deadlines, and important dates directly within your page.
For more information about adding widgets to your page, please see this article.
How the Calendar Widget has changed in Pages 2.0
The Calendar Widget integrates the best of both worlds from Pages 1.0: the Month and Schedule widget, making event management within pages more efficient!
How to use the calendar widget
First, navigate to a page group where there is a calendar widget.
Month view
- Calendar selection (if available) – Click the Calendars button at the top right corner to choose which user calendars to display
- Switch months (if available) – Use the left and right arrows to view events for different months
Event display
- Event display – Open circles indicate events you are not involved in, while filled circles represent events that you are involved in, whether created by you or other users
Event details – Click on an event to view details like guests, attendance status, and video call links
- Permissions: You can only view details for events that you created or are a guest of
- Note: Not all events will have the same details
Scheduling events
- Click on a white date box on the calendar to create a new event
- Fill in the details, such as title, date range, guests, and description
- Click Create to save the event
Editing events
- Click on an event you created or have the right to edit
- Click the pencil icon to edit details
- Make changes and click Update to save
Note: Event deletion is not supported through the calendar widget. To delete an event, please navigate to your calendar source (e.g., Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar) and remove it from there.
Schedule view
- Calendar selection (if available) – Click the Calendars button to choose which user calendars to display
- Switch months (if available) – Use the left and right arrows to view events for different months
Event display
- Event display – You can scroll through the schedule list to view events. By default, you will land at the present time and day, as indicated by a red line. Previous events will be displayed with a lower opacity. Open circles indicate events you are not involved in, while filled circles represent events that you are involved in, whether created by you or other users
Event details – Click on an event to view details like guests, attendance status, and video call links
Permissions: You can only view details for events that you created or are a guest of
- Note: Not all events will have the same details
Permissions: You can only view details for events that you created or are a guest of
Event copying – When viewing event details, you can click Copy to my calendar to duplicate them and add them to your schedule
- Note: Only the title and time are copied. You will need to add other details manually, such as guests
Editing events
- Click on an event you created or have the right to edit
- Click the pencil icon to edit details
- Make changes and click Update to save
Note: Event deletion is not supported through the calendar widget. To delete an event, please navigate to your calendar source (e.g., Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar) and remove it from there.
How to manage the calendar widget
- Navigate to the page group where the widget resides
- Click the pencil icon at the top right corner to open the page editor
- Hover your mouse over the widget until it is highlighted in blue, and click on it
- Select the settings (gear) icon at the top right of the widget
- A new window will open where you can adjust the widget's settings. You can switch between the Configure and Styles tabs to adjust what is displayed and how the content is displayed
Display specific calendars
By default, the calendar displayed is the visitor's. To view a specific calendar or multiple calendars:
- Click the Select calendar(s) button
- Select or search for the desired calendar(s)
- Click Select
- The selected calendars will appear in the Selected calendars section. To remove a calendar, click the minus icon next to its name
Note: The default calendar displayed is determined by the user's login credentials. For example, if you log in to Happeo using your Google Workspace account, your default calendar will be your Google Calendar.
Choose a calendar type
You can choose between the following calendar types:
- Month – Displays the full calendar for the current month (and other months if enabled), showing events from the selected calendars
- Schedule – Shows a scrollable list of events from the selected calendars for the current month
Month vs. schedule view: The month view provides a visual overview of your entire month's schedule, aiding in task prioritization and planning. The schedule view offers a detailed, time-based list of events, ideal for reviewing specific information and focusing on particular time periods. The best view depends on your specific needs and how you prefer to organize your time.
Adjust the widget settings
- Widget header – Add a header to the widget. Once toggled, you can type the widget’s header in the text field that appears above the widget
- Hide weekends – Remove weekends from the displayed calendar
- Hide date navigation – Prevent users from viewing different dates
- Background color – Select the background color of the section. The colors available to you will depend on what the system default is and the brand style you are using
- Padding – Adjust the amount of background visible behind the widget. You can set a value between 0px and 100px. A larger value will show more of the background, making the section header and content appear smaller. A smaller value will minimize the background visibility, making the widget appear larger. Adjust the slider to fine-tune the amount of padding
- Round corners – Round the corners of the widget between the values 0px and 100px. A larger value will make the widget corners appear rounder, whereas a lower value will make them appear sharper
More information about widgets
To read more about what widgets are and how to resize, copy, and delete them, please refer to this article.