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This article is about Recommended Actions, a feature that suggests relevant resources and actionable next steps based on your search queries, streamlining your workflow within Happeo.

Note: Recommended Actions are available to StarterGrowth, and Enterprise Package users.

Beta information: Recommended Actions is currently in Beta production

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What is Recommended Actions?

Recommended Actions is a feature within Happeo's Search functionality that helps users find not only answers, but also next steps they need to take. By providing actionable recommendations, it streamlines workflows and boosts productivity.

When you search, Recommended Actions displays relevant action cards that can include:

  • Direct results that answer your search term/phrase within Posts, Pages, Channels, etc.
  • Channels to ask your question if we believe you'll get a more valuable response from your colleagues
  • Documents for further reading

These cards are tailored to your specific search, making it easier for you to find what you need and continue your tasks efficiently. Here are some examples of Recommended Actions cards (depending on your search, you may see different results):

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The action cards dynamically adapt their icon, title, badge, and content based on the specific recommendation surfaced. For instance, when a user searches for "company strategy", the cards anticipate their needs and provide tailored actions. 

Search AI queries also follow this principle. However, in addition to relevant action cards, an AI-generated response is provided to offer further context. For more information, please read this article.

Common use cases

Finding relevant files: Recommended Actions can help you quickly locate essential resources for your work. If you need a specific document, the feature will suggest options based on what you searched.


  • Searching for "project plan template" might suggest a preformatted document from your organization's Google Drive

Identifying the place to ask a question: When relevant results can’t be confidently presented, Recommended Actions will continue to help you find answers to your question. It intuitively suggests relevant Channels within Happeo to ask your question, and our AI Writing Assistant will even help you write the post.


  • Recommended Actions might suggest joining a specific HR Channel if you have a question about a new HR policy
  • If you’re already a member of a Channel, you can directly post your question in the Channel

Continuing a workflow after a knowledge gap: Recommended Actions can help you overcome obstacles and keep your workflow moving. If you encounter a knowledge gap, the feature can suggest relevant resources to help you find the information you need.

How are recommended actions identified?

When a search term, phrase, or Search AI query is entered, Happeo’s search functionality identifies and evaluates a range of potentially relevant materials, including:

  • Channels
  • Pages
  • Posts
  • Documents

Our Search Evaluator identifies which results are the most relevant to your search.

The Recommended Actions service will select up to six of the most relevant materials to present as action cards.

If the Search Evaluator determines that the identified materials are scored poorly, the Recommended Actions service will not suggest loosely related options. Instead, it will guide you toward alternative methods to find the answers you need, such as a Channel.

Note: Poor Search Evaluations can occur for various reasons, including a lack of available materials (i.e., a knowledge gap).

Action card types

Result recommendation

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A Result Recommendation card highlights the most relevant item from your search results. This could be a:

  • Channel
  • Page
  • Post
  • Document

Card contents

  • Title – The name of the result
  • Image – An icon or image representing the type of result
  • Body – A message saying, "You can find the most relevant content in this result. Click to open"

CTA / Behavior

  • Action required – Click the card
  • Behavior – The result opens in the same tab

Channel recommendation

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A Channel Recommendation card suggests a suitable Channel for you to ask your question if we believe you'll get a more valuable response from your colleagues. The specific CTA (Post, Join & Post, or Ask to Join) depends on your membership and posting permissions.

Unlike a Result Recommendation card, a Channel Recommendation card has a different CTA (creating a post with the AI Writing Assistant) and doesn't require you to have posting permissions before being suggested.

Card contents

  • Title – "Ask in [Channel name]," “Join [Channel name],” or "Request to join [Channel name]
  • Icon – Channel image
  • Body – "Ask a question in this Channel to get more information" (may be subject to change)
  • Badge – Lightbulb icon

Display logic

We'll show a Channel Recommendation card if we find a relevant Channel you can access and post in.

CTA / Behavior

  • Action Required – Click the card
  • Behavior – This depends on your membership and the Channel's permissions:
    • If you are a member – Write a post. The Channel opens in the same tab, the new post section is activated, and the Writing Assistant starts generating a post for you. You can edit or delete the generated text before posting
    • If you are not a member and you open the Channel – Join & write post. The Channel opens in the same tab, the new post section is activated, and we process your join request. The Writing Assistant starts generating a post for you, and you can edit or delete the generated text before posting
    • If you are not a member and you open a restricted Channel – Request to join. We process your join request, but you won't be navigated from the Search page. Once approved, we'll send a notification with a "Write the post" CTA


  • Membership Requirements: You don't need to be a member for the Channel to appear
  • Channel Security: The Channel must be "open to anyone" if you're not a member to open the Channel

Document recommendation

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A Document Recommendation card presents a document, including it's title, type, and location. The CTA allows you to open the document or the file containing it.

Card contents

  • Title – The document's title
  • Icon – The document's format icon, if available, or a generic document icon
  • Body – AI-generated text describing the action for you (e.g., "Open document to find out more" or "Fill in the form to submit request")

Display logic

We'll show a Document Recommendation card if a relevant document is found.

CTA / Behavior

  • Action Required – Click the card
  • Behavior – The document opens in a new tab for web viewing

How are action cards organized?

Action cards are organized by perceived relevance. The most relevant card will be indicated by a purple ring

If the Search Evaluator deems the action cards relevant, additional action cards may follow. These cards offer alternative options based on your search needs and intent, such as recommending a Channel with content similar to what you searched.

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Note: Pages and Posts can only be Result Recommendations, while Channels and Documents can be Result Recommendations or alternative action cards.

Additionally, we aim to avoid duplication in Recommended Actions. When a Result Recommendation is presented, subsequent cards will not show identical options.

How to view Recommended Actions

To view or trigger Recommended Actions, simply enter a search term/phrase into Happeo's search bar. Whether you're using Quick Search or Full Search, Recommended Actions will always appear above the results list and below the Search AI-generated response (if applicable).

You can then click on any of the action cards to continue your workflow.


What search connectors are included in Recommended Actions?

  • Happeo content (Pages, Channels, Posts, and People)
    • Growth, Starter, and Enterprise packages
  • Drive (Google or OneDrive)
    • Growth, Starter, and Enterprise packages