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This article outlines what pages and subpages are and how to manage them.

What are Pages and Subpages?

Pages and Subpages are the individual items within a page group. They serve as containers for sections and widgets, allowing you to organize and structure your content. You can create multiple pages and subpages to divide and categorize your information.

  • Pages can be organized into hierarchies, creating a structured and easy-to-navigate experience
  • You can customize the appearance and content of each page to suit your specific needs using brand styles, sections, and widgets
  • You can control who can view and edit each page
  • You can track changes made to a page and revert to previous versions 
  • You can publish or unpublish pages to control their visibility

How to add pages

To add pages to your page group:

  1. Navigate to a page group and click the edit icon at the top-right of the page
  2. Click the Pages button from the sidebar on the left
  3. Click Add page
  4. Enter the page name and description as well as tags for findability 
  5. Once you’re done, click Add page

The new page will appear below the existing one(s) within the Pages tab. 

How to add subpages

To add subpages to your page group:

  1. Navigate to a page group and click the edit icon at the top-right of the page
  2. Click the Pages button from the sidebar on the left
  3. Hover your cursor over a page and click the plus icon
  4. Enter the subpage name and description as well as tags for findability 
  5. Once you’re done, click Add page

The new subpage will appear below the parent page within the Pages tab. 

How to reorder pages and subpages

To reorder pages and subpages:

  1. Click the Pages button from the sidebar on the left
  2. Click Reorder pages at the top of the menu
  3. Hover over the page or subpage you want to reposition and drag it to its desired location above, below, or within another page or subpage
    • Create subpages – Dragging a page onto another page will transform the initial page into a subpage
    • Nest subpages – You can also create nested subpages by dragging one subpage onto another. A subpage can have a total of two subpages nested within it
  4. Once you’re happy with your changes, click Done

How do I know which is a page and which is a subpage? – To distinguish between pages and subpages, look at their hierarchy and position. Pages are at the top level, closest to the left side. Any content below a page and positioned further to the right is a subpage. 

How to change a page’s or subpage’s name and description

To change a page or subpage name and description:

  1. Click the Pages button from the sidebar on the left
  2. Hover over the page or subpage you wish to manage and click the three-dot symbol on the right of it
  3. Click Manage
  4. Adjust the page name and description
  5. Click Save once you are done

How to change access permissions for a page or subpage

To share a specific page or subpage with a user (rather than all the pages in the page group), you must first grant them access to the entire page group, and then adjust permissions for the individual page or subpage.

You can change the access permissions for pages and subpages in two ways: from the Pages tab or the Settings tab. The steps for the latter are below.

  1. Click the Settings button from the sidebar on the left
  2. Select Access and sharing
  3. From the list of pages and subpages displayed on the left of the window, choose the page or subpage you want to modify access permissions for
  4. You will need to click Override permissions for this page to change the sharing settings for the page or subpage you selected
  5. Adjust the access level permissions for the user or group by clicking the drop-down menu to the right of their name. Your changes will be saved automatically

For more information about page-level permissions, please see this article.

How to publish and unpublish pages and subpages

Publishing a page group will publish all pages within the page group. However, you can manage which specific pages and subpages get published. 

Publish a page or a subpage

You can publish and unpublish a page or a subpage in two ways: from the Pages tab or the Manage tab. The steps for the former are below.

  1. Click the Pages button from the sidebar on the left
  2. Hover over the page or subpage you wish to share, click the three dots on the right of it, and select Publish 

Note: Published pages and subpages will be indicated by a green dot to the left of their name, replacing the orange dot used for unpublished pages and subpages.

Unpublish a page or a subpage

To unpublish a page or a subpage:

  1. Click the Pages button from the sidebar on the left
  2. Hover over the page or subpage you wish to share, click the three dots on the right of it, and select Unpublish

How to view page history and revert to previous versions

View page history

To view a page’s history:

  1. Click the Pages button from the sidebar on the left
  2. Hover over the page you wish to share, click the three dots on the right of it, and select View history

Revert to a previous page or subpage version

To revert to an earlier version of a page or subpage:

  1. Click the Pages button from the sidebar on the left
  2. Hover over the page or subpage you wish to edit, click the three dots on the right of it, and select View history
  3. Click the left-pointing arrow next to the version you want to revert to