Table of contents

This article contains information about how to create a new page group and add content to it.

What are Page Groups?

Page Groups in Happeo bring together related pages. They serve as containers for content with a common theme, such as a department or topic. Each page group has a designated owner who oversees its content, as well as editors and viewers who can contribute to or access its content.

A couple of things to note

  • Visibility – Viewers cannot see unpublished pages
  • Admin access – Happeo admins can view and edit any page when admin mode is enabled
  • Concurrent editing – To prevent conflicts, only one user should edit a page at a time. If multiple users attempt to edit simultaneously, the last person to save their changes will have their edits reflected on the page

How to create a page group

To create a new page group:

  1. Navigate to the Pages section from the main navigation menu and click the + icon at the top right corner
  2. Click on Try our new Page Creator
  3. Click Start from blank to begin your page creation from scratch 
  4. Enter a name for your page group, (optional), add a description to explain its purpose, and click Create page group

After creating your new page group, you'll be redirected to the page editor. The initial page you see could serve as a homepage or any other type of content. From there, you can start customizing the look and feel of the page group by creating sections, adding widgets, and adjusting other settings. For detailed instructions, please refer to the information provided below.

Configuring brand styles

Create and manage a brand style

To create and manage a brand style as an admin, please refer to this article.

Change a brand style

To modify the brand style of your page group:

  1. Navigate to the page group and click the pencil icon at the top left to enter the page editor
  2. Click the Styles button from the sidebar on the left
  3. Hover over any available style and click the checkmark icon (Set active)

Note: By default, the page group style is set to the “Active” style set in Admin Settings > Branding > Pages 2.0. The default/active style can only be set by admins. 

How to add, manage, and publish pages and subpages

Pages are the individual items within a page group. You can create multiple pages and subpages to divide and categorize your information.

Add pages

To add pages to your page group:

  1. Click the Pages button from the sidebar on the left
  2. Click Add page
  3. Enter the page name and description as well as tags for findability 
  4. Once you’re done, click Add page

The new page will appear below the existing one(s) within the Pages tab.

Add subpages

To add subpages to your page group:

  1. Hover your mouse over an existing page
  2. Click the plus icon on the right
  3. Enter the subpage name and description as well as tags for findability
  4. Once you’re done, click Add page

Reorder pages and subpages

To reorder pages and subpages:

  1. Click the Pages button from the sidebar on the left
  2. Click Reorder pages at the top of the menu
  3. Hover over the page you want to reposition and drag it to its desired location above, below, or within another page
    • Create subpages – Dragging a page onto another page will transform the initial page into a subpage
    • Nest subpages – You can also create nested subpages by dragging one subpage onto another. A subpage can have a total of two subpages nested within it
    • To summarize – Pages can have up to three levels of subpages, resulting in a maximum of four levels in the overall hierarchy
  4. Once you’re happy with your changes, click Done

How do I know which is a page and which is a subpage? – To distinguish between pages and subpages, look at their hierarchy and position. Pages are at the top level, closest to the left side. Any content below a page and positioned further to the right is a subpage. 

Manage a page

Please refer to this article for more details on page management, including renaming, permissions, publishing, and version history.

How to edit a page group’s navigation

To edit a page group’s navigation, click the Navigation button from the sidebar on the left. Here, you can adjust the following:

  • Navigation color – Set the color for the navigation bar that displays all pages within the group
  • Navigation active color – Choose the color for the currently viewed page
  • Navigation type – Choose between Above header or Below header to determine the placement of the navigation bar relative to the header image
  • Show list of subpages – Toggle this option to show a sidebar containing subpages of the currently viewed page. If a page does not have subpages, this list will not be displayed
  • Show table of contents – Enable this option to display a table of contents organized by section headers on each page. When this option is enabled, users viewing the page can find a collapsed table of contents at the top right corner of the page that can be expanded and interacted with
  • Show header – Toggle this option to show or hide the header image at the top of each page

How to edit a page header

A well-designed page header can significantly enhance the visual appeal, discoverability, and overall impact of your content. 

To edit a page header:

  1. Click on the header area (outside the default text). The header will be highlighted in blue when selected
  2. Click on the settings icon located in the top-right corner
  3. Customize header:
    • Modify or remove the header title
      • Note: You can also alter the header title by simply clicking the text
    • Select a background image from various sources:
      • Recommended image – Happeo's AI will suggest options from Unsplash. You can regenerate or refine the image using the provided tools
      • Select image – Choose an image from Google Drive, SharePoint, or OneDrive
      • Upload from computer – Upload an image from your computer (recommended ratio is 4:1)
      • Browse Unsplash – Search for and select an image from Unsplash
    • Edit image – Click the pencil icon on the preview of the image to open an image editor. You can find more information in this article
    • Replace image – Click the rotation icon on the preview of the image to replace the image
    • Delete image – Select the trash icon on the preview of the image to remove the image
    • Adjust background image opacity – Set the level of transparency for the background image between 1 and 0.1. A value of 1 will make the image fully opaque, while a value of 0.1 will make it almost completely transparent. Adjust the slider to fine-tune the desired opacity level
    • Change background color – If you are not using a background image, select the background color of the section. The colors available to you will depend on what the system default is and the brand style you are using

Note: Any changes you make will be saved automatically

How to add and manage sections

A section is a building block within a page. It's a container that holds widgets. Think of it as a distinct area on a page that can be customized, rearranged, or removed independently.

To learn how to add and manage sections, please see this article.

How to add and manage widgets

Widgets are customizable elements within sections that you can add to your page to display various types of content. They can showcase text, images, tables, files, and other interactive features. By adding and arranging widgets, you can create dynamic and informative pages tailored to your specific needs.

  • You can find an overview of how to add and manage widgets in this article
  • You can also find a list of available widgets in this article

How to undo and redo changes

To undo or redo changes, use the left and right arrows located at the bottom left corner of the page.

How to discard changes

If you are not satisfied with your changes, you can discard them by clicking the red Discard button at the top right corner of the page and confirming your choices.

How to modify a page group name and description

To modify the page group name and description:

  1. Click the Settings button from the sidebar on the left
  2. Edit the page group name and/or description

Your changes will be saved automatically.

How to share a page group

To share the page group with users, groups, or your entire organization:

  1. Click the Settings button from the sidebar on the left
    • Alternatively, you can click your avatar at the top-right corner of the page
  2. Click Access and Sharing
  3. A new panel will appear where you can add users or groups to the page via the search bar or share with your entire organization by clicking Share with an organization
  4. Once you’ve added a user, group, or organization, you can edit their access level permissions by clicking the drop-down menu next to their name and selecting one of the following options:
    • Can edit
    • Can view
    • No permissions
  5. Please remember to click Save once you’re done

To learn more about page-level permissions, please refer to this article.

When you have the page group selected, sharing it with editors or viewers will give the users editing and / or viewing rights to all Pages within the page group.

Can other editors access and edit unpublished page groups?

Yes, other editors can still access and edit unpublished page groups. They can find these drafts by going to Pages in the main Happeo navigation and filtering by My drafts.

How to review a page with AI

You can use Happeo’s AI tool to enhance the findability, readability, and accessibility of your page content. Learn more.

How to preview a page group

To preview a page group, click the Preview button at the top-right corner of the page. This will take you to a new page where you can see what your page would look like upon publication.

Draft vs. live page versions

  • Draft page – This is the working copy of your page. It’s where you make edits and changes. The page owner and its editors can see this version until you publish it
  • Live page – This is the final, published version of your page. Once you publish your draft, it becomes the live page, visible to other users with appropriate permissions. The page owner and its editors can always edit this version by clicking the pencil icon at the top right corner of the page to enter the page editor

You can toggle between these versions by clicking Draft or Live at the top of the page editor.

How to publish and unpublish a page 

Note: Currently, you can only publish the page you are viewing, not the entire page group.

Publish a draft page

  1. In the page editor, edit your page as needed
  2. In draft view, click the blue Publish draft button in the top right corner of the page
    • Note: The page evaluator will automatically appear upon publishing if the page does not have a description. If this is the case, we recommend that you apply the suggestions to your page and click Publish draft again
  3. Confirm publication

Note: Publish your draft every time you make changes, even if it's just a small update.

Unpublish a live page

  1. In the page editor, go to the Live version of the page
  2. Click the red Unpublish button

How to view page history and revert to previous versions

Want to track changes to your page or undo mistakes? Learn how to view your page's history and revert to previous versions in this article.

How to archive and restore page groups and pages

Note: To archive a page group, you must be an owner, editor, or platform admin. However, only admins can restore archived page groups. 

Once a page group is archived, only the user who archived it can immediately restore it. If you navigate away from the page group after archiving, you will no longer be able to access it; only admins can access it from the Admin Settings

To learn how to archive and restore pages and page groups, please refer to this article.


What is the maximum number of pages that can be created within a page group?

There is no limit to the number of pages you can create within a page group.

Is there a limit to the number of sections and widgets that can be added to a page?

No. You can add as many sections and widgets as you like to a page. However, be mindful that an excessive number may slow down page loading times for visitors.

Can I customize the font styles and colors used within a page group?

Yes, you can customize font styles and colors within a page group by:

  • Using brand styles: Create and apply brand styles to maintain consistency across your organization. To create a brand style, please note that you must be an admin. Learn more
  • Editing sections and widgets: Adjust the colors of sections and widgets using the available colors included in the applied brand style

How can I track user engagement with my page group and its pages?

To track user engagement with your page group and its individual pages, you can utilize page analytics. See this article for more information.

Can I delegate ownership of a page group to another user?

No, you cannot directly delegate ownership of a page group to another user.

However, you can grant full edit permissions to another user. This allows them to:

  • Manage all aspects of the page group – This includes adding, editing, and deleting pages, managing permissions, and making other significant changes
  • Effectively control the page group – While not technically the "owner," the user with full edit permissions will have the same level of control as the original owner


I see the plus icon to create new pages in the Pages Navigation

The plus icon, which allows you to create new pages, is only visible to users who have been granted permission by a Happeo admin.

If you're not an admin, please contact a Happeo admin on your team to request permission to create pages.

If you are a Happeo admin, to grant a user permission to create pages:

  1. Click your avatar and select Admin Settings
  2. Go to User Management
  3. Find the user you want to grant permission to
  4. Click the three dots on the right side of the user's name
  5. Select Permission management
  6. Check the box for Can create pages
  7. Click Save

I’m unable to manage access permissions for the page group

To manage access permissions for a page group, you typically need to be the page group owner, an editor, or a platform administrator.

If you cannot manage permissions, please contact your platform administrator or the page group owner/editor(s). They can review your user role and grant you access to the page group.

If you believe you should have access but are still encountering issues, it's best to contact our support team. They can investigate potential technical problems or configuration issues that might prevent you from accessing the page group.

The page group is loading slowly

If a page group is taking a long time to load, there are a few things you can check.

  • Optimize page group content:
    • If the page group has a large number of pages or subpages, consider simplifying the structure by grouping related content more effectively
    • Optimize images using smaller image sizes
  • Check your internet connection – Ensure you have a stable and fast internet connection
  • Clear your browser cache and cookies – Sometimes, clearing your browser's cache and cookies can improve loading times

If these steps don't resolve the issue, it's advisable to contact our support team. They can investigate potential server issues or other technical problems within the platform that might be causing the slow loading times.
