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This article details what the User Card Widget is and how to manage it.

What is the User Card Widget?

The User Card Widget offers a convenient and informative way to share details of specific individuals (users) within your intranet directly within a page. By providing a clear and concise overview of a user's profile, including their picture, name, department, contact information, and other details, this widget streamlines access to relevant information, saving time and effort for users who need to identify and connect with colleagues quickly.

Note: The user card widget displays attributes configured in Admin Settings > People Directory > Attributes. Learn more about the People Directory in this article.

For more information about adding widgets to your page, please see this article

How to manage the user card widget

To manage the user card widget:

  1. Navigate the page group where the widget resides
  2. Click the pencil icon at the top right of the page to open the page editor
  3. Hover your mouse over the widget until it is highlighted in blue, and click on it
  4. Select the settings (gear) icon at the top right of the widget
  5. A new window will open where you can adjust the widget's settings. You can switch between the Configure and Styles tabs to adjust what is displayed and how the content is displayed


  • Select user – Click on this option enables you to:
    • Search for a user – Search for a user by utilizing the search bar, browsing the All users list, or utilizing Happeo’s AI-powered recommendations tailored to the page 
    • Show the visiting user’s profile – The widget will display the user card of the visiting user
  • Selected users – You can find the user you selected here. You can remove the user by clicking the minus icon on the right of the user
  • Size – Select between the following sizes:
    • Small
    • Medium
    • Large
  • Settings
    • Show contact information – Display the user’s contact details, such as email and phone number
    • User attributes – Display the user’s attributes, such as name, department, location, etc. The user attributes displayed depend on what has been enabled in the Admin Settings
    • Show user’s cover image – Display the user’s cover image in the widget
    • Widget header – Add a header to the widget. Once toggled, you can type the widget’s header in the text field that appears above the widget

Note: You can only display one user per user card widget.


  • Background color –  Select the background color of the section. The colors available to you will depend on what the system default is and the brand style you are using
  • Padding Adjust the amount of background visible behind the widget. You can set a value between 0px and 100px. A larger value will show more of the background, making the section header and content appear smaller. A smaller value will minimize the background visibility, making the widget appear larger. Adjust the slider to fine-tune the amount of padding
  • Round corners Round the corners of the widget between the values 0px and 100px. A larger value will make the widget corners appear rounder, whereas a lower value will make them appear sharper

More information about widgets

To read more about what widgets are and how to resize, copy, and delete them, please refer to this article.


Can I add multiple user cards to a single widget?

You can only add one user to a single user card widget. However, you can add multiple user card widgets to a single section and adjust their sizes to display them side-by-side.

What happens if the user I've selected in the widget is suspended or deleted?

If a user is suspended or deleted, their information will no longer be visible in the widget. You will need to manually update the widget with a new user.
