Table of contents

This article aims to provide information about how and where can you use the bookmark function.


What are bookmarks?

Bookmarks in Happeo will allow you to easily save and access the most important Pages, Channels, and even documents of the platform.

Simply bookmark what you'd like to have at hand quickly and save minutes of valuable time by not having to move through the navigation of the platform to find it.

The list of bookmarked items in Happeo is located in the top right corner of the screen next to the launcher (rocket icon). 

Where to find your bookmarks

You can find your bookmarks at the top of your page next to the search bar and launcher. 

Managing bookmarks

You can manage your bookmarks in the bookmarks tab. From there, you can:

  • Search for bookmarks
    • From the search tool
    • And the filter
  • Create new bookmarks
  • Organize bookmarks


You have the option to bookmark Pages by clicking on the bookmark icon next to the editor icon in the top right corner of a Page. This enables you to find the Page under the list of bookmarks for quicker access.


When saving the bookmark, you can give it a unique name. This will make it easier to find when you search for it in your bookmarks list.


Just like Pages, you can also bookmark a Channel by clicking on the bookmark icon on the right side of the Channel navigation. 

By bookmarking the Channel, it will be saved under the list of bookmarks, enabling easier access. 


In Channels, you have the additional option of bookmarking posts to be able to save them for easier findability. This works similarly to saving a Page or a Channel, when you are adding the bookmark to the list, you can give it a unique name. 

Bookmarking files

You also have the option to bookmark files attached to Channels and Pages.

You can bookmark files in a Drive folder. This is done by clicking on a bookmark icon next to a file in a Google Drive widget displayed on a Page. 

You can also bookmark files attached to a Channel by opening the Folder tab and clicking on the bookmark icon next to the name of the file. 


If you would like to upgrade your package to Recommended or have the bookmark feature added to your Happeo platform, please get in touch with your CS manager.

Bookmarked Channels that have been archived

When a Channel Owner or Editor archives a Channel, and that Channel has been bookmarked, that Channel will still appear in a user's bookmarks. Additionally, the user will still be able to view Posts from that Channel, but will see a message stating "This channel is archived." The user will also no longer be able to search for that Channel.
