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In this article, you can learn about how to add an image to a Page.


How to add an image

There is no image widget but if you want to add an image to a page this is possible using a text widget.

To add an image to a Page, you can use the Text Widget to get the job done! Simply:

  1. Select the Text Widget 
  2. Click on the Start typing section until a plus symbol appears on the left
  3. Select the plus sign and click on Insert image
  4. Select the image you would like to add to the Widget

To customize how the image is displayed you can click on the image and find the following options:

  1. Insert link: Add a link to the image (users can click on the image and be directed to the link attached)
  2. Align: Align left, none and align-right
  3. Display: Inline (text wraps around the image), break text (text does not wrap around the image)
  4. Alternative text: This allows for the image to have a description. This description is not visible, however, it is meant for users who are unable to read/see and are utilizing a text reader. The alternative text is meant to provide recognition for the image
  5. Change size: The size of the image can be altered based on width and height. Both of these measurements are in %
  6. Remove: Delete the image from the Widget


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