Table of contents

This article aims to provide information about the Schedule Widget and its use cases.


What does it do?

The Schedule Widget shows a schedule view of a user or calendar from Google or Microsoft.

Schedule Widget revamp 1.png

Schedule Widget options

  • Visiting user: Personalized to the user that is viewing the page
  • By email: Choose a calendar by an email address
  • From Google (or Microsoft):
    • From Google: You can select a calendar from My calendars and the calendars you've subscribed to (Other calendars)
  • Event color: Choose the color of the events
  • Show picker: Allow users to change the date via the date picker

You can also choose a month view using the Month Widget.

Display multiple calendars

You can display multiple calendars in the Schedule Widget.

  1. From the Schedule Widget’s menu, click "From Google" (or "From Microsoft")
  2. Select the calendars you want to display in the Widget (you can select multiple)
  3. Click Select
  4. You can then toggle which calendars you do or don't want to see in the widget by clicking "Calendars" at the top-right of the widget
  5. Remove calendar: If you don't want to see a specific calendar as an option in the widget, you can repeat steps 1-3 (and excluding the calendar you do not want to display in the widget) 

Note: The video below showcases how to add multiple calendars to a Month Widget, however, the process is the same for the Schedule Widget.


Why doesn’t the specified event color show up in the Widget?

The specified event color may not be visible in the Widget due to the widget's size limitations. In its smallest form, the Widget does not display the color bubble as it would take up too much space and affect the overall user experience (UX). 

However, when the Widget is resized to a larger form, not only will the color bubble become visible, but it will also accommodate additional elements such as Google Calendar colors. This design decision ensures that as the Widget expands, the specified color and other relevant information can be displayed.
