Table of contents

Here, you can find information about the Table of Contents widget and its use cases.


What is the Table of Contents Widget?

The Table of Contents widget allows users to quickly navigate to the correct content and find what they are looking for. It is great for when a Page has lots of content, including multiple subpages.

How to create a table of contents

Before creating a table of contents you will first need to check that all headings are correct. The table of contents will be automatically created based on the first, second, and third-level headers within that Page.

This allows you to use a single text widget and have the table of contents jump to the correct location.

Including/excluding widget headers

You can choose to include or exclude widget headers from appearing in the table of contents widget. This toggle can be found in the widget's menu. 

By toggling on "Include widget headers", the table of contents will include widget headers alongside headers used within the widgets. 

By toggling off "Include widget headers", the table of contents will only include headers within the widgets (heading 1, 2, and 3).

To view the table of contents you will need to switch back to view mode.

You can also create a list of content that shows the list of Pages in the Page group by adding a breadcrumb widget to your Page. The widget will display the Pages and subpages which are created within the Page group.
