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In this article, you can find all there is to know about Page-level permissions and how an editor of a Page can give individual Page permissions to users.

What are page-level permissions?

Page-level permissions refer to the viewing and editing rights an editor of a Page can grant to users per Page (as opposed to all the Pages within a Page Group).

Page Group

Page Group is a group of Pages. For example, when you view your Pages menu, you can see Page Groups. Within those Page Groups are Pages. 


Pages can include any type of content you wish. Pages always belong to a Page Group.


Subpages are pages within a Page that belong to a Page Group.

Types of permissions


A viewer is a user who has been given the right to view either all the Pages within a Page Group or specific Pages. They are not able to make any edits to any of the Pages. Viewers of a Page within a Page Group will be able to find that Page Group in their Pages menu.


An editor is a user who has permission to edit the contents of either all the Pages within a Page Group or a few given Pages. They are able to make edits to the Pages they have been given access to, they can find that Page Group in their Pages menu, and they can also give access permissions to other users if they have been given editing permissions for the entire Page Group.

Additionally, editors can add or delete Pages but only, much like giving access permissions, if they have editing rights to the entire Page Group

Note: Page authors do not always have editing rights. Unless an author is also the page owner (the first person to create the page) or an editor, they do not have automatic edit rights. This means that making someone else an author doesn't grant them editing privileges.


How to share a Page Group

To share a Page Group with a user:

  1. Navigate to a Page
  2. Edit the Page (using the pencil symbol in the top right corner)
  3. Go to Page Group settings (the paper stack icon in the editing menu)
  4. Click on Share page group under the description of the Page
  5. From there, share the Page Group with the user you would like to give access to
    1. You can either give viewing or editing permissions
    2. By doing so, you will give the user access to all of the Pages within the Page Group

How to give permissions to users for individual Pages

To give individual or specific permissions to a user for a Page, you have to take away the access rights for specific Pages in the Page Group. This leaves access to specific Pages for the user(s). 

  1. Navigate to a Page where you would like to take away the access rights
  2. Override the permissions for that Page (by toggling it)
  3. Click on the section that states the user’s access permissions
  4. Click on No permissions

You can do this for as many Pages in the Page Group as you like, however, if a user is given no permissions for all of the Pages, they will not be able to access the Page Group (regardless if they have been given editing or viewing rights). 

Note: If a user has only been given editing rights to a specific Page in a Page Group, they will only see the Page Settings icon in the Page editing menu.

What does “Override permissions for this page” mean?

Overriding the permissions refers to overriding the Page Group permissions you previously set which, in turn, allows you to create new permissions for an individual Page within that Page Group.

Note: When you override the permissions for a Page, a message will state that the Page’s permissions have been overridden below the Page’s title.

What does permission inheritance mean?

When you give editing or viewing permissions to an organization or a group for a Page Group and then give no permissions to a user (who belongs to the organization and/or group) for a specific Page, you will receive this message: 

Permission inheritance: You've demoted a user that may nevertheless have access through their organization or group.

In other words, this message states that although you have removed the permissions from the user to edit or view the Page, they will still have that access because the user is part of the organization or group that has editing or viewing permissions for the Page Group.


What does assigning “No permissions” entail?

When you assign a user to have “No permissions” for a Page, that user will not be able to view, edit or find that Page. If this Page includes sub-pages, the user will also not be able to view or access them. 

Not only that, but even if the sub-page’s permissions are overridden, you will not be able to give this user any permissions, only if you give them permissions for the Page itself.

Moreover, when you give “No permissions” to a user, that user will relocate to the bottom of the list of users who do and do not have access to the Page and have a small arrow pointing down, representing their permissions have been taken away.


This is the same for when you give editing or viewing permissions to a user who once did not have any permissions but instead of an arrow facing down, that arrow will face up. 


Note: If a user is a member of a group to which you've granted editing or viewing permissions, even if you subsequently assign no specific permissions to that user, they will still inherit the permissions of the group they belong to. This is provided that the group has been granted editing or viewing permissions for the respective page.

What happens if you toggle off “Override permissions for this Page?"

If you first toggle on “Override permissions for this Page”, change the permissions for a user, and then toggle off “Override permissions for this Page”, the permissions you changed will revert to what they once were. This will also cause the “Permissions overridden” indication below the title of the Page to go away.

What happens if you change the Page permissions for a user and then revert them?

If you first toggle on “Override permissions for this Page”, change the permissions for a user, and then change the permissions back to what they once were, the “Override permissions for this Page” toggle will automatically turn off

How to create a Page Template for specific Subpages and share it with specific users

To effectively share specific Subpages from a Page Group with particular users, this process can be followed:

  1. Create a Page Template by selecting the desired Subpages
  2. Remove the selected Subpages from the original Page Group
  3. Utilize the newly created Page Template to form a new Page Group
  4. Share the Page Group with the specific users

In more detail, you can:

  1. Navigate to the Page Group where the Subpages are located
  2. Click the Edit Page button (pencil icon) at the top-right corner
  3. In the Page Group Settings (document icon), select Manage Pages
  4. Move the desired Subpages above the Pages to convert them into Pages
  5. Go back to Page Group Settings and click Save Page Group as Template
  6. Provide a name for your Template and (optional) add a description
  7. Uncheck the Pages you don't want to share with specific users, but keep the newly converted Pages checked
  8. Click Create Template to finalize the process
  9. In the original Page Group, archive the Pages that were used to create the Page Template
  10. Save your changes

Then you can:

  1. Go to the Pages Navigation (book icon) at the top-left of the platform
  2. Click the plus icon and choose My Templates
  3. Click the newly created Template and select Use prefilled Template
  4. Click Create Page Group
  5. When viewing the new Page Group, click the Edit Page button
  6. In the Page Group Settings, select Manage Pages 
  7. Click Share Page Group and share the Page Group with specific users
  8. Once you’re done, you can click Save to finalize the process 

Archiving a Page from a Page Group

If you wish to archive a Page from a Page Group, make sure that you are an editor and that you have editing permissions for the entire Page Group. If you are only an editor for the Page that you want to archive, you will not be able to archive it.
