Table of contents

In this article, you can learn how to change Channel posting permission levels and discovery options.

Note: Channel permissions and discovery can only be managed by Channel Owners and Editors.

Channel permission settings

Channels have two main permission settings: discovery and posting & commenting permissions.


By default, the discovery is restricted. To edit the discovery options for a Channel, you can navigate to the Channel's Settings and scroll down to the Discover section.

Note: The discovery options for a Primary News Channel cannot be edited / are disabled as all users within your organization need to be able to find this Channel.

For other Channels (e.g. Secondary news Channels), however, the discovery options include:

  • Restricted (default): Not visible in discovery, joining by sharing
  • Ask to join: Visible in discovery, anyone can ask to join from the discovery view
  • Anyone can join: Visible in discovery, anyone can join automatically

Note: To view the content of any of these Channels, even if a Channel is set to “Anyone can join,” a user must be a member of the Channel.

Posting and commenting permissions

You can set the posting and commenting permissions by navigating to a Channel's Settings and scrolling down to the Restrictions section. By editing these permissions, you can control who can create Posts and comments in a Channel's Discussion.

Below, you can find the posting and commenting permission options:

  • Anyone can post and comment (default)
  • Anyone can comment, but posting is restricted to Channel owners and editors
  • Only the Channel owner and editors can comment and post


Channel member roles


The user who has created the Channel (the Owner) has the ability to add users and groups. The Owner also has the ability to assign Editors.

The Owner gets an email notification when a user requests to join the Channel. The Owner can also assign user permissions and adjust additional settings such as:

  • Basic settings (name, description, hashtags, etc.)
  • Tools (discussion, files, calendar, etc.)
  • Integrations (Slack, Google Chat, etc.)
  • Discover (who has the ability to discover the Channel)
  • Restrictions (posting and commenting restrictions)

When the Channel has posting and commenting restrictions turned off, the Owner can still post and comment.

Moreover, the Owner can create post drafts, collaborate with the Channel Editors before posting, and post Announcements to the Channel. You can read more about Channels in our article or our document called Channel Owner Guide.

Note: Channel Owners can be changed by the Admin.

Change Channel Owner

As an Admin, to change a Channel's Owner, you can:

  1. Navigate to the Channel you wish to change the Owner of
  2. (Skip if the user is already a Channel Member): Add the user you wish to make into the Channel Owner
  3. Click the user's Channel permission (listed under their name)
    1. i.e. Editor or Participant
  4. Select Owner


Editors are able to add users / groups, assign permissions, and set Channel Settings.

When posting and commenting restrictions are turned on, the Editor can still post and comment. Editors also have the ability to create Post drafts and collaborate with other Editors before posting and also post Announcement Posts to the Channel.


Participants are able to post and comment on the Channel as long as the posting and commenting restrictions are set appropriately. 

These restrictions can be altered if you:

  1. Navigate to the Channel Settings
  2. Scroll down to Restrictions

The types of posting and commenting restrictions include:

  • Anyone can post and comment
  • Anyone can post and comment, but posting an announcement is restricted to channel editors
  • Anyone can comment, but posting is restricted to channel editors
  • Only channel editors can comment and post

Remove a Channel member

To remove a Channel member, you must either be a Channel OwnerEditor, or platform Admin.

  1. Navigate to the Channel
  2. Click on the members icon at the top-right of the Channel navigation
  3. Click the symbol next to the member you wish to remove
  4. Click Remove

Track membership growth

If you want to track the membership growth of a Channel in your Happeo environment, you can achieve this by downloading a CSV file that contains the total number of members for each Channel. By regularly downloading this CSV file, such as on a monthly basis, you can effectively monitor and track the changes in the total number of members for a Channel over time.

  1. Navigate to the Analytics by clicking on your avatar and selecting Analytics
  2. Click Export CSV at the top right of the page and select Channel Statistics
    1. The CSV will then be downloaded
  3. To open the CSV file, you can use Google Sheets or any other compatible application capable of opening CSV files
  4. Once you have opened the file, you can find the total number of members (membersTotal) for each Channel in your Happeo environment in column F
    1. You can utilize these totals and track them using your preferred method of monitoring and tracking

Note: The total number of members metric in the exported CSV file is based on the time of the export. It is not specifically based on a pre-defined or user-set time period.


I’ve enabled Admin Mode, however, I cannot manage a Channel’s contents

As an Admin, it is not possible to manage a Channel’s contents if you are not a member of the Channel. The way you can manage a Channel’s contents is by accessing them from the Admin Settings and adding yourself as an Editor of the Channel.

  1. Click on your avatar at the top right of the platform and select Admin Settings
  2. Click Channels
  3. Search for the Channel you wish to manage
  4. Click the three dots next to the Channel
  5. Click Manage Channel
  6. Click the Members icon at the top-right corner of the page
  7. Click Share to Users and Groups
  8. Type in your name in the search bar and select your user profile
  9. Click Share
  10. Find your user profile from the list of Channel Members
  11. Click on your Channel permissions label (by default, you will be a Participant) and change it to Editor

I’ve enabled Admin Mode, however, I am not able to manage the Channel Settings

As an Admin, it is not possible to manage Channels that are labeled as Only Invited Users and Anyone in my organization can ask to join. The way you can manage these Channels is by accessing them from the Admin Settings and adding yourself as an Editor of the Channel.

  1. Click on your avatar at the top right of the platform and select Admin Settings
  2. Click Channels
  3. Search for the Channel you wish to manage
  4. Click the three dots next to the Channel
  5. Click Manage Channel
  6. Click the Members icon at the top-right corner of the page
  7. Click Share to Users and Groups
  8. Type in your name in the search bar and select your user profile
  9. Click Share
  10. Find your user profile from the list of Channel Members
  11. Click on your Channel permissions label (by default, you will be a Participant) and change it to Editor